Are you a paper girl? Do you love cracking open a fresh journal? Do you linger in the paper planner aisle at target? ME TOO If you have a dream to create a your OWN planner, devotional, journal or paper product AND curious about the printing process, timeline and costs. You are in the right place! As a gift to you I have a free workshop waiting to help you on your journey! WORKHOP: Horacioprinting.com/workshop Welcome to the Dream Printing podcast, I’m Polly Payne, CEO + Founder of Horacio Printing, have sold over 45,000 paper planners + products around the world. Wanna learn how I did it? I’m gonna take you behind the scenes and teach you How YOU can plan, print and publish your high quality paper product. Week after week I will be answering your questions like: How do you make quality products without breaking the bank? What does the whole process look like? How long does it take to print a paper planner? How do you find a good printer? What is the best way to go about printing a journal or planner? How do I get my idea out of my head and make it beautiful? How do I launch a planner company? You ready?! Grab your favorite journal, a cup of coffee, and lets get it that dream off the back burner and into your hand! Wanna work together to make it happen? Apply to join Print School : horacioprinting.com/printschool Free Workshop: horacioprinting.com/workshop Have a question? DM me! @polly_payne on Instagram

Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Want to know the keys to step out in faith?
Do you have a dream to start a podcast?
Want to learn some MAJOR life hacks to peace + joy?
This episode is for you friends! I had the privilege of interviewing Stefanie Gass, my podcast coach and friend! Stef believes that when we let God's miracles light our path, we will profit from our passions, live proactively, & design a life that fuels our soul.
Take Podcast Pro University! → bit.ly/StefGassPodcastCourse
Stef's Podcast: http://bit.ly/thestefaniegassshow
Stef's Website: stefaniegass.com
Stef's IG: @stefaniegass
Community: bit.ly/successsupportgroup
Join the Horacio Printing Academy + Take the Dream Crafting Course! www.thedreamerinyou.com (CODE: DREAM50)

Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
I sat down with Kat Harris to talk about ALL things sexuality, identity, fear, shame, purity culture, and her NEW BOOK Sexless in the city. You don't want to miss this episode!
Is my body bad?
Is sexual desire bad?
What was I raised to believe? Do I still believe it now?
Am I still carrying the weight of shame?
Buckle up, friends! We get R-E-A-L vulnerable in this one. I even share a little about my story as well. I titled it 'Rewriting Definitions,' because Kat really helped me look at triggering words and peel back the layers to find new freedom. I hope it blesses you and helps you rewrite some of your definitions.
Be sure to pick up Kat's new book this week!
Grab Kat's Book: https://therefinedwoman.com/sexless-in-the-city
Dream with Me: thedreamerinyou.com
Horacio Printing Website -> www.horacioprinting.com
Connect on Instagram -> @horacioprinting
Connect with Polly -> @polly_payne

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
I sat down with the founder of Scarlet & Gold to talk all things dream, business and infertility. Megan just published her first book, Give Grace. This book provides you with a safe place to process the ups and downs of life and find new inspiration to trust God's plan as you rest in his unfailing love.
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
This episode is for you if..
You run or aspire to run a business.
Are going through a season of infertility.
Are ready to be inspired by a fresh testimony of God's faithfulness.
Join the Horacio Printing Academy: TheDreamerInYou.com
Shop Horacio Printing: www.horacioprinting.com
The Infertility Sisterhood: https://www.theinfertilitysisterhood.com
Grab Megan's Book: https://www.amazon.com/Give-Grace-Embrace-Beauty-Brokenness/dp/140021758X
Scarlet & Gold Shop: https://scarletandgoldshop.com
Overcome Journal:https://www.theovercomejournal.com
Megan's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megansmalley/

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Have you ever heard of a soul tie?
Have you ever broken a soul tie?
Do you still think, dream about, and stalk your exes?
Is a soul tie holding you back from walking in freedom with the Lord?
I sat with my Spiritual Director Amy Brady to discuss this important topic. We are called to live LIGHT and FREE. I pray this conversation starts your journey towards healing from shame by uncovering hidden idols and traps from the enemy. You are not alone!
I asked questions like....
What is a soul tie?
How does it manifest in our lives?
Are soul ties always from sexual relationships?
How do we break soul ties?
Is there hope for freedom?
Let's GO there!
Matthew 18:18, says "Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."
Ready to walk in freedom & redesign your life? We dive into soul ties, fears, limiting beliefs, dreams, planners, and freedom in the Dream Crafting Course! Learn more here: www.thedreamerinyou.com
Connect with Amy Brady (book a Spiritual Direction call!): https://linktr.ee/EvergreenSoulWellness
Link to Podcast mentioned on Soul Ties:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-place-we-find-ourselves/id1373926216 (Episode 41-47)
Follow Amy on Instagram -> @evergreensoulwellness
Horacio Printing -> www.horacioprinting.com
Need more support? Email us at hi@horacioprinting.com or shoot us a DM on Instagram @horacioprinting You are not alone!

Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Season of Grace | How To Walk In The Fullness Of Grace.
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
In today's Easter episode we are celebrating the amazing grace of Jesus! Grace is an amazing, powerful, a complex yet simple gift from God! If you grew up in the church learning about grace it seems simple or normal, but TRUE grace is scandalous.
Think about it! We are completely forgiven for all of our sins through the death of a perfect savior. Our God in heaven became man so that we could reconnect with him directly and live with him for eternity. Forever. Let that sink in.
Have you accepted God’s grace?
Are you walking in grace?
Are you still feeling the weight of sin?
Have you given it to Jesus?
Are you extending grace to others?
We are called to live light and free and forgive others as God has forgiven us. God’s grace is sufficient for you. This is a promise.
FREE 3-Day Grace Study → http://bit.ly/seasonofgracehp
Shop Bible Studies -> http://bit.ly/HoracioBibleStudy
Horacio Printing Website -> www.horacioprinting.com
Connect on Instagram -> @horacioprinting
Connect with Polly -> @polly_payne

Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Season of Loss | A Lectio Divina For When You Are In The Valley.
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Why me? How can I go on? Where are you Lord?
You never have to “get over” what you have lost. With some losses in life, there is no “over.”
But you can trust that God will walk you through this valley.
This episode is devoted to finding peace and hope in the midst of a season of loss. Loss comes in many shapes and forms. Maybe it is the death of a dream, a job, relationship or even a loved one.
This episode is timely as we approach Good Friday and mourn the painful death of our savior Jesus Christ. Let's come together to draw near to God in this season.
Shop Bible Studies -> http://bit.ly/HoracioBibleStudy
Horacio Printing Website -> www.horacioprinting.com
Connect on Instagram -> @horacioprinting
Connect with Polly -> @polly_payne
Shop Planners -> http://bit.ly/2021DreamPlanner

Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Are you ready for a refresh?
Are you ready to give your goals some Spring cleaning?
It's time to check in on where you are and reset the path the where you are going. Tucked away in our 2021 Dream Planner at the end of March is a special SPRING refresh for your dreams and personal growth!
This podcast episode to walk you through this special section of the planner + encourage you as we start the new season of Spring! Don't have the planner? Click the link below to print out a FREE COPY!
Connect with Horacio Printing: @horacioprinting
Join the Academy: www.thedreamerinyou.com
Horacio Printing Website -> www.horacioprinting.com
Connect on Instagram -> @horacioprinting
Connect with Polly -> @polly_payne
Shop Planners -> http://bit.ly/2021DreamPlanner
Work With Polly -> http://bit.ly/workwithpolly

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
I sat down with special guest, Kelsey Chapman to talk about HER big dream and her new book, 'What they taught me.' What They Taught Me provides true examples of mentorship in life and business and offers practical takeaways for women eager to invest in their futures and pour into others.
If you are looking for fresh encouragement, strategies to build margin, or tips on HOW to write and sell a book... this episode is for you!
Grab the Spring Box → http://bit.ly/SpringBox2021
Follow Kelsey on Social → @kelschapman
Shop Horacio Printing → www.horacioprinting.com
Enroll in the Dream Crafting Course → bit.ly/DREAMCRAFTINGCOURSE
Follow Horacio Printing → @horacioprinting

Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
I sat down with Chelsi Jo to discuss her path to wholeness and success as a stay-at-home momma running a business! Chelsi and I discuss time blocking, self-care, motherhood, and everything else in-between. You don't want to miss this episode!
Enroll in the Dream Crafting Course → bit.ly/DREAMCRAFTINGCOURSE
Learn more about Chelsi's Academy → https://www.chelsijo.co/academy
Take Chelsi's Free Training → https://www.chelsijo.co/workshop
Follow Chelsi on Social → @chelsij.co
Chelsi's Podcast → http://bit.ly/ChelsiJoPodcast
Follow Horacio Printing → @horacioprinting
Do you want to start a podcast!? Take Stef Gass's amazon course! → http://bit.ly/StefGassPodcastCourse (Save $50! CODE: HORACIO)

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
What does God want me to do with my life?
Is there more for me?
YES! God has designed you so uniquely and you are full of purpose!
Listen in as we dive into HOW to find your vocational purpose. We will walk through 5 tactical concepts to help you put the pieces of your puzzle together!
Join the Academy! https://www.thedreamerinyou.com
Dream Crafting Course: https://bit.ly/DREAMCRAFTINGCOURSE
Free 3-Day Soap Study: https://bit.ly/soaponpurpose
Soap Volume One: https://bit.ly/SoapBibleStudy
Enneagram test: https://www.truity.com/test/enneagram-personality-test
Christian Enneagram Book Resource: https://www.amazon.com/Self-Lose-Biblical-Approach-Enneagram/dp/1683140389