Are you a paper girl? Do you love cracking open a fresh journal? Do you linger in the paper planner aisle at target? ME TOO If you have a dream to create a your OWN planner, devotional, journal or paper product AND curious about the printing process, timeline and costs. You are in the right place! As a gift to you I have a free workshop waiting to help you on your journey! WORKHOP: Horacioprinting.com/workshop Welcome to the Dream Printing podcast, I’m Polly Payne, CEO + Founder of Horacio Printing, have sold over 45,000 paper planners + products around the world. Wanna learn how I did it? I’m gonna take you behind the scenes and teach you How YOU can plan, print and publish your high quality paper product. Week after week I will be answering your questions like: How do you make quality products without breaking the bank? What does the whole process look like? How long does it take to print a paper planner? How do you find a good printer? What is the best way to go about printing a journal or planner? How do I get my idea out of my head and make it beautiful? How do I launch a planner company? You ready?! Grab your favorite journal, a cup of coffee, and lets get it that dream off the back burner and into your hand! Wanna work together to make it happen? Apply to join Print School : horacioprinting.com/printschool Free Workshop: horacioprinting.com/workshop Have a question? DM me! @polly_payne on Instagram

Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
I am giving away two seats into the Horacio Printing Academy and here is how you can win. This giveaway has a $1500 value!
You must enter before 3/15!
Enter to win both courses: https://bit.ly/100GiveawayHP
Enter to win the Dream Crafting Course: https://bit.ly/DCCGIVEAWAY
Enter to win the Faith Filled Business Blueprint: https://bit.ly/FFBBGIVEAWAY
Wanna see my daily notepad? Text DAILYNOTEPAD to +1 (877) 387-6348
Shop the daily notepad at HoracioPrinting.com : https://www.horacioprinting.com/collections/2022-dream-planner-accessories/products/daily-designer-notepad

Friday Mar 04, 2022
Going Deeper with Jesus | Lent Bible Study Recap // Matthew Chapter 1-9
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
My heart for this journey through lent is to help you unlock the promises of Jesus in your life. Unlock the promise of peace, comfort, healing, blessing, joy, revelation, experience his goodness and presence.
Listen to Polly's recap of what we have read so far! Today's reading is Matthew chapter 7-9.
Sign up for daily texts : Text LENTDAILY to +1 (877) 387-6348
Shop Horacio Printing: www.horacioprinting.com

Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
I am starting a business and I am already a full time working momma! How can I be successful?
Today on the Dream Planning Podcast I am sharing my FIVE keys to success when you are a busy full time workin' momma!
Have a question you want answered on the Dream Planning Podcast? Jump into our free Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/christiandreamerscommunity/
Shop Dream Planners + Get Organized: www.horacioprinting.com
Faith Filled Business Blueprint: https://bit.ly/Faithfilledbusinessblueprint
Dream Crafting Course: https://www.thedreamerinyou.com/dream-crafting-course
Explore the Academy: www.thedreamerinyou.com
15% off with code: PODCAST15
Free Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/christiandreamerscommunity/

Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Are you ready to take your dream from start to done?! This is a question I get all the time.... where do I start? What should I do first?
This episode is for you no matter what your dream is. I believe this process can work for you. Grab your journal + pen and get ready to take some notes.
In this episode I also give you access to our free Project Journal PDF! Bit.ly/projectjournalpdf
- Free Project Journal: Bit.ly/projectjournalpdf
- Join Our Lent Bible Study: bit.ly/LENTWITHPOLLY
- Join the Horacio Printing Academy : https://www.thedreamerinyou.com
- Take the Dream Crafting Course: https://www.thedreamerinyou.com/dream-crafting-course
- Take the Faith Fill Business Blueprint: https://bit.ly/Faithfilledbusinessblueprint
- Shop at Horacio Printing : www.horacioprinting.com
Don't forget to use the code: PODCAST15 for 15% off!

Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
I am thrilled to introduce you to my personal spiritual director, Amy Brady. Our sessions over the years have been so life giving. In this episode we dive into the question, "what IS spiritual direction?"
Amy shares how she stumbled into this calling and she does a live session with me for the second half of the episode! It gets VERY vulnerable as she probs into the issues pressing on my heart and weighing me down.
I hope this blesses you!
If you are in need of some self care for your soul, this episode is for you!
Connect with Amy + join her group direction or book a 1-1: https://bit.ly/evergreensoulwellness
Join our Lent Bible Study: bit.ly/LENTWITHPOLLY

Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Question → "What were the first practical steps you took to start your company?"
This podcast episode is my answer! Listen in and get my short cuts on how to get started on YOUR faith filled business.
**BONUS** There is a CODE at the end of this episode to get 15% off my Faith Filled Business Blueprint course!
Start your dream biz + take my course to learn HOW : https://www.thedreamerinyou.com/faith-filled-business-blueprint
Shop at Horacio Printing : www.horacioprinting.com
FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY → https://www.facebook.com/groups/christiandreamerscommunity/

Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
We can learn the scriptures about rest, and peace and living life to the full… but how do we actually apply this to our lives?
Let’s talk about taking these supernatural promises and applying them to the natural.
YOU ARE INVITED to join us for lent as we do a 45 day journey through the four gospels. Snag your bible reading plan by going to https://bit.ly/LENTWITHPOLLY
Or Text me LENT to +1 (877) 387-6348 and I will send you the bookmark!
We will be going through this as a community in our free Facebook group and I will air an episode every Friday during lent to share my thoughts with you!
Join the Lent Bible Study Challenge : https://bit.ly/LENTWITHPOLLY
Text me LENT to +1 (877) 387-6348 and I will send you the bookmark!
FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY → https://www.facebook.com/groups/christiandreamerscommunity/
Shop the 2022 Dream Planner Collection: https://www.horacioprinting.com/collections/2022-dream-planner-collection
Join the Horacio Printing Academy: www.thedreamerinyou.com
Shop Bible Studies -> http://bit.ly/HoracioBibleStudy

Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
My new little valentine is here and here is his birth story.
Birth Course : KOPA BIRTH https://www.kopabirth.com/
PostPartum Book : The first 40 days https://www.amazon.com/First-Forty-Days-Essential-Nourishing/dp/1617691836/ref=asc_df_1617691836/
Hospital Bag Essentials:
Cozy Socks / Slippers
2-3 PJs nursing appropriate/loose
Small Zipper bag with my favorite things (chapstick, hair tie, jade roller, face lotion, glasses)
3-4 Baby outfits
Baby blanket
Nipple shield
Colace! *take 6 Hours after birth*Keep taking every 12 hours until you have your first BM.
Postpartum Essentials:
Disposable Adult Diapers (décret boutique)
Tucks Cooling Pads
Peri Bottles
Ice Pack / Pads (Frida baby)
Black wash cloths to pat dry
Lots of towels
Loose nursing bras (not to tight)
Nipple shields
Haakaa *to catch milk as you let down*
Baby Frieda nail clippers
Sleep/Sanity Essentials:
Great class to help you with your feeding / sleeping rhythm: Taking Cara Babies!
By your bed keep water, chapstick, lots of cloths, robe, blankets, Haakaa, any medication.
App to track diapers/feeds : BabyFeed Timer
Ask for help! 🙂

Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Are you a soloprenuer? Do you feel like it is ALL on you? Even if you have a team member or two you can feel like a solo entrepreneur.
Fear not, this episode is for you!
Snag the limited time Power Bundle -> https://bit.ly/PollyPowerBundle
Cart Closes Feb 7th
This bundle includes:
- The Faith Filled Business Blueprint $997
- The Systemize Your Life Academy $999
- Podcast Pro University $697
- Clarify Your Calling $300
- All for only $997!
Snag the limited time Power Bundle -> https://bit.ly/PollyPowerBundle
Join the Horacio Printing Academy: www.thedreamerinyou.com
FREE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY → https://www.facebook.com/groups/christiandreamerscommunity/

Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
I teamed up with my favorite mastermind ladies to bring you an RIDICULOUSLY good deal to get 4 courses for the price of one. The only catch is this offer lasts for ONE WEEK! Bundle expires at midnight on 2/7. Courses include: Clarify Your Calling with Stef Gass, Podcast Pro University with Stef Gass, Systemize your life Academy with Chelsi Jo and the Faith Filled Business Blueprint with ME!
LEARN MORE + SIGN UP → https://bit.ly/PollyPowerBundle
Learn How To:
Start A REAL business on Godly principles
Get Clarity on Your Calling so You Can Create a Profitable Online Business
Launch a successful podcast to GROW your audience, organically
Create the systems you need to succeed in home and business
This is for you if...
You are ready to dream big, get clarity, niche in, be heard, get organized and systemized, and finally GO BIG in your life and business.
You are ready to start or grow your business with the BEST tools to succeed in 2022!
You want to make more income and impact while keeping God at the center of it all.
JUMP IN AND LEARN MORE → https://bit.ly/PollyPowerBundle
YOU ALSO GET FREE ACCESS TO THE Stef Gass MEMBERSHIP Community, Chelsi Jo Academy Student Community Group and the Horacio Printing Dreamers Circle!